Thursday, January 10, 2008


Life-Work Balance - 7 Easy Steps to Create Your 2008 Business Plan By Bonita Richter

Did you take some time this past week to think about your resolutions for 2008?

Resolutions create energy and promise. However, if we just have a list of goals and "things" we would like to accomplish with no "action plan", those under- achieved resolutions can end up making us downright depressed!

This year, are you willing to try something different when setting your business goals for 2008? You can create what I call Your Simple Business Plan by following through the 7 easy steps I will outline for you.

Your Simple Business Plan will include just 4 goals that you want to achieve in your business within the next year. 4 goals may not seem like a lot, but, believe me; it's probably more than enough with everything else you have going on in your life! (Your Simple Business Plan is a 1-year plan that is actually part of a much larger strategic plan you have for your business.)

Oh, one more thought, resolutions aren't only about your bus! iness and career; I'm sure you'll be thinking about goals for your personal life, as well. Before you develop Your Simple Business Plan, take a few minutes to think about how well your overall life is balanced, and set personal goals, as well as business goals.

Following are the 7 steps you can take to measure your life balance, and create Your Simple Business Plan:

1. Measure Your Life Balance

Before you develop a vision for your business over the next year, consider this:

Your business should support and help you achieve your life vision, and goals. If you set only business- related goals, you decrease your odds of having a well-balanced, happy life, and achieving those business goals!

Before you move on to Step 2, I first encourage you to measure your life balance. The life areas to measure are your; financial situation and career; social and cultural situations; spirituality and ethics; family and home; mental and educat! ional levels; and physical well-being and health.

Us! e The Wh eel of Life to measure your degree of satisfaction in the different areas of your life. On a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 is low and 10 is high), ask yourself how satisfied you are with the different life areas on the wheel. You may find some other goals you want to work on besides your business goals, to help you create the life vision you desire.

You see, this is why having 4 business goals is more than enough to work on achieving, because it's not ALL you are going to do in 2008 to have a happy, well- balanced life!

2. Create Your 1-Year Business Vision.

Great job completing The Wheel of Life! You're now ready to create your 1-Year Business Vision.

One of my favorite exercises is creating an exciting and vivid vision of what I want my business to look like over the next year. Let your imagination run wild and type away, making sure you record EVERY thought, dream, and direction you want your business to take. Dare yourself to dream and! "think big".

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Bonita L. Richter, MBA, teaches entrepreneurs and business owners how to start and grow businesses, attract more clients, and market their businesses to increase sales, business success, and wealth. She is a former officer/owner of a multi-million dollar manufacturing firm with over 25 years experience in business management. For FREE tips on how to craft the successful business you desire, visit Profit Strategies.

Bonita L. Richter, MBA, teaches entrepreneurs and bus! iness owners how to start and grow businesses, attract more cl! ients, a nd market their businesses to increase sales, business success, and wealth. She is a former officer/owner of a multi-million dollar manufacturing firm with over 25 years experience in business management. For FREE tips on how to craft the successful business you desire, visit Profit Strategies.

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