Thursday, December 27, 2007


Using Podcasts To Increase Your Business Profile By Sean Milea

Podcasting is coming into its own as a recognized and powerful tool for your web site by adding relevant audio. Below are some great ways you can earn more money by incorporating a podcasting strategy.

Most importantly, ditch the written script. An entirely scripted podcast is boring and monotonous to listen to. Spontaneity is key. But to keep your monologue focused and on track, it's helpful to have an outline available so you don't go off on a tangent. Also, it helps to break things up. Separate the podcast into several portions, because lengthy podcasts getting trying on any listener's ear. Releasing your podcast in separate parts makes it easier on the ear, plus it will drum up excitement if you release each section on a different day.

Always ask for visitor's opinions. Whenever you release a podcast, do not forget to ask for feedback. It is a good way to learn what target customers find enticing, and you can make future releases more striking.

You need to make decent quality audio files. Be sure that your voice is clear and precise. It is bad form to stumble over your words. A hallmark of podcasting is to deliver your message in a clear voice. Also, be sure to select the right hosting service. Your files need to be hosted on a proper server which ensures that anyone can listen to them at anytime from anyplace. The host server should have a well-established hosting system for this purpose. You should also be sure to get the contact details for the host in case your system slows down.

Don't hold the microphone too close to your mouth. If you are too close to the microphone, your voice may sound garbled, and be difficult for visitors to understand and send them away. Get rid of distractions. Microphones are extremely sensitive. That's why you have to work on an environment that is away from barking dogs or crying babies. Do not forget to turn off cell phones and other potential annoyances.

Y! ou can get more information about Mar keting Strategy at . Sean Milea writes about Search Engine Marketing Firms and other topics .

You can get more information about Marketing Strategy at . Sean Milea writes about Search Engine Marketing Firms and other topics .

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