Saturday, December 15, 2007


Principles Of A Successful Home Business Entrepreneur By Ed Mercer


1. Passion- The richest people of all time achieved success because they were passionate about what they set out to achieve. For example, Bill Gates was passionate about his vision of having "a computer on every desk and in every home. His passion allowed him to become one of the wealthiest people in the world.

2. Visualization- Identify what it is that you would like to achieve. Perhaps it's a new home, a new car, or a yacht. Make it something that is tangible! Really get into the feeling of having it in the present tense. Then, open you mind to receive it as if you expected it to be once it arrives.

3. Purpose (determination)- Without "Purpose" one can easily be led astray from the path that he/she is on. When you are working with purpose, no obstacle can keep you from reaching your goal. In fact, the obstacle becomes 1 of 2 things.... either and insignificant event, or an opportunity to succeed.

4. Commitment! - Committing to your goals and staying on course to reach them is probably the single most important thing you can do. Without commitment everything else in the cycle will fall out of motion.

5. Faith- You must have an unwavering faith that you WILL accomplish what you have set out to achieve. It is a knowing that you are on the right path, and by staying on the path, you cannot help to achieve success.

6. Personal Development- As you work on yourself and gain new skills, you become proficient and efficient, which is then coupled with the confidence you require to achieve your goals. Suddenly, you know who you are, the values you represent, and the values which you can provide to others.


1. Income Producing Activities- Always keep in mind that business does not work for "US". "We" have to work for the business. Only expect to be paid if our efforts are in alignment with what we are worth. Set some time each day! to place the action that will place the financial process in ! motion.< BR/>
2. Mastermind With Business Partners and Other Leaders- Through these sessions, you will learn new ideas that can expand business growth. This can be done via, training calls, training events, or national and international conferences. This process is otherwise known as "The Law Of Association." By masterminding with other leaders and self-made millionaires, there a good chance that you will learn the steps that you'll require to match the results.

3. Cultivate Leadership- Expect others to step into leadership positions. You cannot force someone to achieve success. There will come a time when every human being has the desire to step into their own personal greatness. When that time comes, the individual will take personal responsibility for what they set out to achieve, and will be like a locomotive with a destination. I personally expect every person who I work to step into their own personal greatness in day 1 of opening their business. Anything less is j! ust a hobby.

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Ed Mercer has, and still does, work with several Top Leaders within the home business direct sales industry. He has assisted numerous home business owners in understanding how to achieve success in the industry and committed to teaching 1000's more. To learn more about setting up and running a successful home business, visit his website at

Ed Mercer has, and still does, work with several Top Leaders within the home bu! siness direct sales industry. He has assisted numerous home bu! siness o wners in understanding how to achieve success in the industry and committed to teaching 1000's more. To learn more about setting up and running a successful home business, visit his website at

home based business idea, home based small business

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